Hello, I'm Donna Chapman
(screenname: Pennypengo)
to my "just for the fun of it" ... website!
And yes I finally
started a BLOG.
Come express yourself at The
Penguins Opinon or talk movies at
Lets Talk
And if you're really nuts for blogging, you can syndicate it too!
Syndicate My Blogs!
HEY! I stumbled
upon a really unique animal
it's called an "Aye-Aye" and it is the largest nocturnal primate.
It is from Madagasgar, and is an amazing and enchanting creature.
Here is a photo album
of Aye Aye (hmm I wonder
what the plural
of Aye Aye could be...) anyhow,
more info may be found at:
and The
Wild Ones Animal Index
We have a zoo at our house, but more on that later....
I have a web &
print publishing business called:
Symple Publishing
(the super demo site is coming soon)
Here are links to the sites that I manage
and/or am directly involved with
plus a few other "goodies"
Fun Stuff: Thanksgiving